Hello from freezing cold Queenstown, New Zealand!
I am having the best time of my life! Things started off well when my seatbelt on the plane fit me easily and the food tray could fold down. I was more nervous about that then flying! I had a pretty painful flying experience with my cold. My ears amost exploded and it looked like I had 2 black eyes until we landed from my sinuses going crazy from the pressure. I am just starting to feel better now, but I haven't let my cold stop me from doing anything- the medication does make me a little drowsy though...
We arrived in Christchurch around midnight and checked into our gorgeous hotel. I was too excited to sleep, so I walked about the city for a couple of hours. I noticed police everywhere and it wasn't until the next day when I saw the
paper that I could see why!
Saturday morning my first mission was to seek out the
Ezibuy outlet store. I looked on the map and it seemed like you could walk there... 2 hours later... It also didn't help that I got lost. Anyway, I got myself the hottest bra ever, I am tempted to post a picture of how sexy my boobs look in
this bra, but no one needs to see that! So I followed that with some great buys from a shopping mall near by- who knew you can buy so much cheap fat clothes in NZ, much cheaper then Australia! I got 2 knit tops for $20 each, black pants for $40, black singlet top for $10 and silver ballet slippers for $40. I could have bought lots more too, but I stopped myself.
My hotel rate included a free buffet breakfast. There was everything you could imagine and more. The first 2 days I made a pig of myself and suffered for it after, finally on morning 3 I learnt my lesson and had a light breakfast of toast and fruit and I felt so much better! At least I learnt eventually...
Sunday we spent the day in Akoroa, a gorgeous little sea side town about an hour and a half from Christchurch. After recovering from my car sickness we wandered the town and ate home made fudge and fish and chips. The scenery was just lovely (you'll get sick of hearing me say that!). Then we drove back through Lyttleton, another cute little sea side town.

Me on a pier at Akoroa
Monday we drove to Queenstown and below are a few snaps from our 8 hour car trip (with lots of sight seeing in between):

The big salmon (?) in Rakaia

Morning tea in Geraldine, or should I say, me stuffing my face...

Lake Tekapo- much more beautiful then the photo suggests!

Lunch in Twizel, I just had to take a photo because it is such a funny name for a town.

We finally arrived in Queenstown and this is the view from my hotel balcony- beautiful!

This is me eating poutine, I saw it on the menu and just had to try it because we don't have it in Australia and my brothers Canadian girlfriend is always talking about it. It was yummo! And yes my cheeks are really red from the cold!

Hot chocolate and a kiwi- what more could you ask for on a NZ holiday?!

This morning at the snow. Oh my god it was fu*king cold!!!

On the way down from the mountain- and if I look green it is because those roads were really scary!

After all that snow I needed some wine to warm me up at a local winery

...And food

Then tonight I went on a gondala ride- and yes I look a little scared!

Then to a traditional Maori Haka show and guess who got dragged on stage to participate even though I hid my head in my hand bag pretending to look for my camera when they were calling for volunteers... I got a photo with a couple of the people from the show after.
So that is about it for now. Apparently it might snow in town tomorrow, I will be so excited if it does because I have never seen snow fall from the sky. I have heaps planned for the next few days and i'll post more photos when I get back. I hope you like the photos! I have always been to scared to post photos, so i'll probably remove them next week.
I have eaten so much lovely food and drunk beautiful NZ wines, but I have also walked everywhere, so I am not too worried. I have done so many things that I would normally be too scared to do or try. Every time I see a 'safe' option I make myself try something new and I haven't regretted it once. I hope that I'll continue to live my life this way once I finish holidays.
I think I might go for a walk for some more hot chocolate- I can't get enough! Good night, I am missing all your blogs terribly and can't wait to catch up. :-)