Monday, January 30, 2012

Body Lift Costs

On Friday night I received the written estimate for my body lift surgery from my surgeon. They had given me a preliminary figure of $12,500 so I was feeling pretty good about that amount and I was making plans to go ahead with the surgery.

Unfortunately the actual figure for the surgery has turned out to be more than I expected and is in excess of $20,000 out of pocket. I don't know the exact figure because they couldn't quote me on the anaesthetist. So it was quite a big blow when I got the letter and I must be honest and admit that my eyes did well up with tears for just a few seconds. I obviously will not be able to raise that kind of money and I just can't see when I ever will be able to raise that amount of money.

I know that a lot of people will tell me to just keep saving and I'll get there, but in order to fully disclose why this is not possible I will let you know that I am currently in the process of applying for a home loan to buy a house for my mum in the country. She will be living in the house and not able to pay rent as she is on a disability pension and does not have any money (it is a long and complicated situation). I am her carer so this is something I want to do for her, but it will be a massive expense for me on top of paying my city rent. At the same time, I will be taking a $20,000 pay cut at work next month due to the contract on my current role finishing. So as you can see, there is literally no way I can raise the money.

I guess I am just extra disappointed because when I thought the surgery was a possibility I realised I wanted it even more than I thought I did. I spent the week fantasizing about wearing normal sized clothes, doing yoga without my stomach suffocating me and not being mistaken for a pregnant lady every week. Not to mention all the less savoury problems that comes with having an apron stomach, which even I am too embarrassed to detail!

I am frustrated at myself for so many reasons, but I am mostly disgusted that I caused so much damage to my body that I require such extensive surgery. I wish that I could just get over the excess skin problem like so many other people that have lost weight, but I can't seem to do that right now. The only thing I can do is cancel my private pity party and focus on the fact that I have lost 50 kilos and my life is immeasurably better already. Oh, and buy lottery tickets!!!


  1. I'm sorry you've had such a disappointment. I know it seems like an absolute kick in the nuts right now, but the fact is that it isn't feasible now doesn't mean it won't be ever. With so many financial obligations about to come together maybe it will turn out to be a good thing that you can't go ahead with the operation now? Even if it had been 12,500 that's still a lot of money to spend.

  2. Tully the plastic surgeon is going to quote you for the most amount of work (read: money) that he can get.

    I came from a similar starting weight and lost all my weight. I had tummy tuck (apronectomy) surgery done for around $8K including the anethesitists fee.

    I suggest getting a tummy tuck done. The full body lift is something reserved for people with ridciulous amounts of money.

  3. I would be too scared to ever consider it myself, but perhaps Thailand?

    I'm sorry that you've had this disappointment. After all your hard work you deserve to be happy with your body.

  4. So sorry that you can't do this now, but you never know what the future holds, it may still be a possibility. I would love to get it done in the future, probably 10-15kgs to go, but cost will certainly be an issue....

  5. Naww. Its so sweet that you're giving it up for your mum. And I don't mean that in a sarsastic way.

    Is it possible to get the extra bit tacked onto the home loan?

    I had a 2 friends have their boobs done in Thailand and it was a wonderful job. Very clean and professional. And cost about 3K, much cheaper than in Aus. Would you like the details of the hospital?

  6. At least you now know and you don't how what tomorrow will bring, either start buying lotto tickets or better yet, start putting the costlf a lotto ticket into a savings account, you'll save the money quicker than actually by winning it :o)

  7. Helping out your mom is an extraordinary thing. I hope that karma pays you back and you can figure out a way to make this happen for yourself.

  8. I do KNOW all about the problems associated with having that huge saggy belly going on.
    Hang in there (no pun intended)... you never know what is around the corner.

    And Curash is amazing stuff for under the belly/boobs... even better than NEAT 3B Action Cream. It is usually used for baby bums!

    I use it under me boobs when it's so hot and humid. Stops a rash in it's tracks.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about the prohibitive cost of the surgery (makes me so very angry!). Would it be worth explaining your situation to the surgeon and hoping he'll budge with the price?

  10. Is it at all possible to borrow the money through the loan for the house? Even if you can come up with the $12 500 like the original plan and borrow the difference through the home loan? The reason I ask is that the difference in fortnightly repayments would be minimal for that amount of money (however, you would be paying a lot more in the long run as a result). I hope you can find a solution!

  11. Have you shopped around? I had my tummy tucked at Cabrini by an amazing surgeon 6 years ago and was only out of pocket $3500. Spent 5 days in hospital too. Some of these private clinics charge through the roof. Good luck.

  12. Check into Dr Mark Moore in SA it will be well worth it and will be under the 10,000 with private health cover.

  13. Seems like you got the real hit.
    Just visit body lift surgery

  14. How much does a tummy tuck surgery cost in India? I have heard that cost of tummy tuck surgery is very low in India.Can someone let me know of some information if they have.


Awww thanks so much for the comment!