Thursday, July 24, 2008

But I Hardly Eat A Thing...

Do you ever wonder why you are so fat? Well I was looking through some photos the other day and noticed an alarming trend...

There is the eating....

Not to mention the drinking...

So next time I wonder why I am so fat I can just re-visit this post. At least I can see I had a good time getting fat!


  1. Yeah, it totally looks like you are having fun in that 1st drinking photo.

  2. I just LOVE this!!! Really cool collection of pics! Every function I go to, there are pics of me eating....although they usually involve me in a really awkward position (mouth open mid mouthful) or something!

  3. You look so good in the photos, even if food and drink is a frequent theme! It probably makes sense that we have so many photos like this, since socialising so often involves eating or drinking.

  4. LMAO!!!! You are too funny!!! These photos are just GREAT. A type of food photo journal.

    I love the 4th photo from the bottom. You look like Australia's Next Top Model. ;)

  5. Ah but you look so fricking pretty in them...

  6. These photos are a sign of the good times you've had, and there's no need to think that by losing weight, you're not gonig to have any other photos to add to that collection :-)

    You only live once!

  7. Wow what fun you look like you're having in these pictures! So beautiful!

    I leave your blog now ith a craving for a drink (for unknown reasons of course).

    Keep up the good work!!

  8. Maybe you can superimpose one of these photos onto you wearing a coconut bikini!!

  9. I am with Cara and Marshmallow ... you do look super cute and you only live once! Bet you will have a slew of skinny eating/drinking pics one of these days! :)

  10. I am not sure how I stumbled on to your blog, but I am glad I did, it is great!

    (Most social situations invovle drinking or eating... so it is rare to have a stockfull of pictures where you are not... ) :)

  11. Oh I love this post. Funnily enough I dont have any photos of me with food, and only a few with alcohol. Weird huh. And I am drinking all the time.

  12. Great pics -- also I like your new blog layout!

  13. Hi Tully, I have just stumbled across your blog and laughed at the first post I found. I can totally relate to this post as I've felt this exact way myself.
    I come from a large (numbers wise) family and most of our gatherings involve food, food and more food, so it suddenly dawned on me one day that all the large dinners and desserts I eat probably have something to do with my oversized butt. (duh) Yeah I know, talk about dense, I had someone managed to convince myself that I was just 'big boned' and there was nothing much Icould do about it. (funny how we trick ourselves)

    I am currently taking optifast which I noticed you have done in the past. I am around your starting weight at present so am wanting to use it as a kick start to get some initial weight off as I'm not in a good head space at my present weight at all.

    Take care

  14. just wanted to say, i enjoy your blog and love the title too. im new to blogging here, but i am going to add you on my links list. keep up the hard work :)

  15. Honey, you NEED to eat and even the skinniest of women drink. It's the basic human needs. The difference between you and others could be that you photograph it?

    So the photograph doesn't capture the quantity nor nutritional value and that can be the difference also.

    Doh! I really am not getting my point across clearly.LOL

  16. Hey, just came across your blog.

    Those photos are brilliant, you are a gorgeous woman. Best of luck with the weight loss too - it's such a struggle (I know) but so rewarding - for mental and physical health!


Awww thanks so much for the comment!