Thursday, January 07, 2010

Take This Job And Shove It

I just quit my very good job because I am sick of living like this.

I bought myself a ticket to Vancouver and I am spending 3 months travelling around Canada, USA, Mexico and the Bahamas.

I leave in March and I am going to do whatever the fuck I want for 3 months. Sleep, eat, drink. Did I mention sleep?

When I get back I won't have a house or a job or any money and I just don't care.

I knew this was going to be a good year!


  1. Sometimes it takes a big leap of faith to be happy. I wish you the best!

  2. Lurker alert!

    I just wanted to say - how exciting! You will have a wonderful tima and can always earn more money later! Traveling if one of life's greatest experiences. One of my regrets - not doing more before settling down.


  3. Oh wow Tully, it sounds flipping fantastic! Hope you have the most amazing time overseas. When your in Canada will you be staying with your brother/s?

  4. I have been following and rooting for you for quite a while now. When I logged on this morning, I read your blog. Fantastic! I really hope that you are able to continue to blog on your travels. I will live precariously through you!

  5. Yayyyy! This is the best blog post ever. :D


  6. I'm so fucking jealous!
    (but in a good way)

  7. Wow Tully! That is awesome, how exciting!!! I'm sure everything will work out. You have to keep us posted

  8. Congratulations!
    You are my hero - and I bet you have the most amazing 3 months of your life! You will tell us all about it, won't you?

  9. Seriously? That's incredible!

    So totally jealous.

  10. awesome work :0)
    jealous?? HELL YEAH!!!
    I AM going to fit into your suitcase ya know!
    cant wait to hear your travel tales.

  11. Wow! I am in awe - congratulations on what I am sure will be a great move!
    Kel x

  12. Wow - nothing like throwing in the towel for a major change.

    I can't help feeling this is going to be so good for you. You've been frustrated and tired for so long, this is overdue.

    A HUGE congrats!! I hope it goes well on your travels. Update if you can and let us know you are safe and happy. :)
    Cara x

  13. Awesome! So excited for you!!

    I couldnt think of a better place to visit for 3 months.

    What will you do between now and March?

  14. Wow!! You don't do things halfway!!! Best of luck to you! Who knows what you will encounter during these three months!!??

  15. wow, what a surprise, but I'm sure the experiencing will be extremely liberating. I did exactly the same thing back in 2005 (to get away from a relationship more then a job though) and had the year of my life. Travelled around South America (Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Boliva, then Mexico, and up through 14 of the North American States).

    Thought I would be away for two months, but ended up being away a total of 14 months and have never regretted it for a second.

    PS: Got your e-mail message regarding blog access, you should be able to read now.

  16. I agree with Miss Milo- Best. Post. Ever.

    I'm so excited for you. Is it wrong that the second I read that, I though "hmm, I wonder if I could wrangle some time in the US to see you?"?? Shame I have, oh, no money :) Very exciting indeed- can't wait to hear all about it!


  17. Wahhhhhhhoooo!

    Your heart will burst and thank you for allowing it to be free from the crud you've been dealing with.

    You're about to start living your true life and I couldn't be prouder, nor happier for you. *grin*

  18. Oh My, I wish I had lost alot more weight by now so I could squeeze into one of your suitcases ;)

  19. Yay for you :) I can feel some farewell drinks coming on. When do u finish work?

  20. Let me just echo what everyone else is saying...WOW! That is freakin' awesome! I WISH I had the guts to do what you're doing! Good for you! Please make sure to keep posting while you're travelling...I'd love to live vicariously through your adventures. Good luck!

  21. Wow! You go girl!!! I would love to do the same - just don't have the balls to walk out.

  22. Way to go Tully!
    YOu won't regret it .. have a fantastic time.

  23. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! That is awesome!! I am so envious!! *sneaks into Tully's suitcase*

  24. LURKER!
    Good for you Tully! You won't regret it. I did something similar at the start of 09' myself. Instead of travelling I decided to go to uni and do nursing. I hated working in an office environment! We've struggled financially but there have been no screamy fights about money. We've changed our lives and the way we live and we are SOOOOOOOOOO much better for it (and the uni hours aren't bad either ;))


    Holy hell chick talk abojt making positive changes in your life. you are moviong along at a great rate. Leave all the shit behind you and start over!

    Hey relocate to Sydney when you make a return yeah? We could have fun together :p HAHAHA

  26. What a fantastic, life-changing and self-knowing move. I applaud you. So many people remain in horrible jobs/marriages/situations out of fear. Fear of leaving the known.

    You are constructing a great life, one which will enrich you and those around you. I bow my head to you and your strength.

  27. Nice work - if you need connections in Canada of places to go and stay for cheap/free or just good things let me know - I did it for a year


  28. Wow, you rock! Enjoy :)

    Love that cartoon. It says it all very concisely :)

  29. WOW - what a massive step! Good for you! Sometimes you need to do what feels right and damn the consequences, i'm sure you'll have an awesome 3 months away and come back ready to take on the world - I hope you'll keep blogging while over there.

  30. Good on ya, Tully! You're a rockin' inspiration -- you're going to have the time of your life, and on a personal, selfish level I can't wait to read about your travels!

  31. One more reason yours is one of my favourite blogs! Congrats on your decision. Many of us complain about our lives/jobs etc., but few of us have the "cojones" to actually do anything about it. You are one of the few and I commend you for it.

    If your travels in Canada brings you to Toronto, I would love to show you some of the sites or at least buy you a celebratory drink!

    Take care.

  32. LOL...LOVE the picture, and WOW, I am so happy for you. You have just done what a lot (maybe ALL) of us wish we could do). Live your life. Laugh, love, and have FUN. And if you find yourself in the NYC area, email me and I'll show you around!!

  33. Congrats, I wish I was as brave as you. If your in Lexington, Kentucky go to Woodford Reserve Bourbon Distillery!You get a free shot of bourbon at the end!

  34. That is so freaking awesome! I hope you have the best time ever on your trip! It sounds like so much fun. And good for you for taking control of your life :)

  35. bravo!

    i lived in vancouver (10 years ago now but still) and you will LOVE it.

    love love love.

    sushi bars GALORE!


  36. Good luck I think it is a fabulous decision. I hope you have the time of your life.


  37. Yes!!!! Well done you!

    Our jobs take up the bulk of our day, and if we don't like them then that's our day screwed...

    Best of luck and be sure to blog all about it!

  38. wooooooooooooooo thats what I did! and ended up staying for the last 3 years! Excellnt news, you'll have a blast :)))

  39. Congratulations! I got laid off in November and can't remember the last time I was this happy. Enjoy the trip. ;)

  40. I am so happy for you!! You're going to have the time of your life. It takes so much courage and sacrifice to do what you're doing, but the rewards are incredible. You will never regret it.

    Soak up every moment of your delicious freedom and WELL DONE for taking action to free yourself of things that make you unhappy and to live the life you deserve! x


Awww thanks so much for the comment!