Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back On Track

***UPDATE: 7.00pm- Exercise complete- feeling great!***

I managed to claw my way back yesterday and I am feeling better already. It is good to feel like I have some control back over my life.

I had a terrible week of food last week and by Sunday night I felt puffy and bloated and all of my clothes were starting to feel uncomfortable. As much as I enjoyed all the yummy treats I ate last week, I don't want to go back to that lifestyle.

So I am back on track food wise and tonight I am even going to do some exercise. I have barely exercised in weeks (maybe months...) and I can really see it in my body. Everything feels loose and flabby. So now that I have announced I am going to exercise tonight, can someone please kick my arse if I don't do it? Thanks.


  1. I will be more than happy to kick thine arse. You shall be getting text messages from me tonight. ^_^

  2. I'll kick you if you kick me!! I am walking tonight too ....
    Glad you are back on track .... just look at me next time you reach for the cookie jar!! lol

  3. Kick ya own arse, if you can reach it.... and kick mine while you are at it.

  4. So happy that you made it to your workout! Sounds like you don't need that kick after all! Good for you.

  5. Sounds like you are back on track! Good on you! It's not about asskicking friend, it's about finding that mojo and hanging on for dear life!

  6. Glad to hear you're feeling more in control. I'm glad I didn't send you a cyber kick too soon, obviously you didn't need it :)

  7. I'm officially kicking you in the bum right now! Did it work??? I need to exercise more too but going at a slow pace due to concerns. Walking is great, at least I can do that now.


Awww thanks so much for the comment!