Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Turning Japanese

I don't know why I write such stupid titles. By the way, someone told me that song is about masturbating. I had no idea...

Anyway, what I am actually posting about is my exciting news. I found out today that my work are sending me to Tokyo for about 10 days at the end of this month. I am so excited!!!

I will have to actually work of course, but I will have 4 days off during that time to explore the city. It should be a blast, I have met some of my Japanese colleagues and they are so much fun.

Can't wait for some authentic sushi!!!

Now how much weight can I lose between now and then... It wouldn't be me if I didn't make this about weight loss! :-)


  1. Holy cow - I am so happy for you and SO jealous. What an amazing opportunity for you.

    Don't think that I am going to be able to listen to that song anymore now though - if I hear it I am going to giggle. :P

  2. How exciting! Japan!!!! I would be totally stupidly excited!!

    And the fooooood oh my god japanese food is divine! Im green with envy!

  3. What a jetsetting career woman you are!! I cannot imagine going there! It would be scary and exciting!


Awww thanks so much for the comment!