Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Cheer

My resolution to not get fatter over the holidays is failing yet again. I spend so much time saying no to glasses of champagne and chocolates that I eventually crack and devour everything in sight. Oh well, at least it is a fun problem to have. I do love the Christmas/Summer holidays and spending my days sleeping in, reading in the sun, going to the beach, eating take away and drinking way too much. Operation Bridesmaids Bulge will just have to start on January 1, 2012!

I have been without a camera lately since mine pretty much shit itself earlier this year so I don't have my usual round-up of boring narcissistic holiday time photos, but here are a couple from my iphone.

Eating gelato as big as my head on Southbank

Drinking a delicious and highly alcoholic birthday drink bigger than my torso!

Even the gingerbread house wasn't safe around me!

My first sunburn of summer, which is only on one half of my body, so now I just need a cute one-shoulder dress for New Years...
I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday and eating much more healthy than I am!


  1. 'Tis the season to be (rolly polly) jolly! Yep holiday hangover? Me too!

  2. I am sure New Year was invented by diet businesses :o)

  3. I know exactly what you mean - denial for so long and then giving in and eating anything and everything - oh well, back to the grindstone tomorrow (or the next day or maybe next Monday !!! Don't all diets start on Monday ???)

  4. I'm starting today too :0)


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